preparing the way for the cross

Today is Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent – a season of reflection, challenge and humble submission, and a time to again prepare our hearts to receive the way of the cross. As we journey together towards Easter, our prayer is that we’ll all discover yet more of Jesus’s love, spurring us on to be more visible in our worship and bolder in our prayers for others.

the Sanctuary - preparing the way - journeying through Lent resource

Our new Lent resources – Journeying through Lent with symbols and prayer (plus ppt), and Worshipping through Lent – are designed to help both churches and families, groups or individuals pause at key moments and use creative prompts focused on the cross to pray and worship. Read more about these resources and how to use them in our previous blog post – visible worship through Lent.

We will be following the “worshipping through Lent” resource ourselves and today are preparing to set up our wooden cross and compiling our prayer list. We’ll be tweeting regularly about our main focus for prayer for that day or week – if you’d find it helpful to see these, you can follow us at

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