sheet music for bring the nations home

We’ve uploaded sheet music for our worship song Bring the nations home. Find it together with the audio, chord sheet and story behind the song on our songs page.


This is a song we love to use in worship because it brings together adoration of Jesus, intercession for the nations and a commitment to global nations. So it’s a regular during our daily 9am worship rhythm.

Here the song-writer, Liz Baddaley, tells us a bit more about the scriptures that inspired it:

“(verse 1)
Matthew 17:2 where Jesus face at the transfiguration is described as shining like the sun, and the passages in Revelation which talk about the light of God and/or the lamb lighting heaven.

(Interestingly these are the only scriptures that give any description of his appearance or expression besides the prophetic statements in Isaiah 53 that say there would be nothing of beauty in his appearance.)

“(verse 2)
1 Corinthians 13:12 which talks about seeing now in part but one day in full.

“(verse 3)
Hebrews 12:1-2 and to some extent also Philippians 3:13-15 which talk about fixing our eyes on Jesus and running the race to the end.

“I have a special affection for this song. Because creating it was one of those times when you knew you had written something you would want to sing again and again because it voiced so much truth and so much of the heart-cry to love him and others.

“For me, with such a global focus to my heart and ministry, there cannot be too many songs that help us apply this command to the nations.

“At the time of writing I have been struck by a couple of little phrases from the song From the inside out (Hillsongs). They say: ‘Let justice and praise become my embrace, to love you from the inside out.’

“This one image speaks volumes to me about what this song, the Sanctuary’s overall message, and – what I hope my life – are all trying to be all about…

“To follow Christ is to wholeheartedly love God in an embrace made up of both adoration and intimacy given to him and merciful prayer, service and mission rooted in a love for others and him.

“When we want to really hug someone we use both arms… just using one is not the same. It’s a helpful picture.

“Let’s give a balanced, wholehearted embrace that is focused on Jesus’ face alone in adoration but is running an
active race of service in service of his purpose in the nations – to bring many more to him and to build his kingdom of justice and peace.”

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