new resource: moving mountains

We’ve uploaded a new written prayers resource to our website. This set of liturgy and a meditation on moving mountains was originally written by the Sanctuary for the opening worship of a Christian Aid conference on this theme. But we’re publishing it for wider use because it is helpful in all contexts that are responding to global poverty and injustice. The meditation from the collection is below…


Meditation inspired by Matthew 17:20

We can move mountains. It’s a huge thought; a bold statement; a colossal claim. A stirring invitation to a life of purpose, impact and permanent, rock solid change that’s visible – un-missable.

I mean you’d notice it wouldn’t you? If impregnable rock piled more than a thousand feet high – hundreds of times the height of a six foot man dwarfed at its foot – just went and left your view one day?

We feel spurred on by the thought of being a mountain mover – part of something so much bigger than ourselves… Especially when we consider these mountains that dominate, overshadow and crush those living beneath them – the mountains of injustice, exploitation, greed, inequality and poverty…

But then, it comes… a whisper of doubt… Can we really move these mountains? I mean really? Or is this just another slogan – a brand that over-promises delivered with slick, marketer’s concision?


Let all God’s people hear and know this. Let all God’s people speak and believe this.

These are not hollow words – they are true; they came from the mouth of the one that cannot lie. These are not empty words – they are the truth; from the authentic embodiment of Truth himself.

For Jesus said, “Truly I tell you… you can say to this mountain, “Move from here to there, and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

So it’s really true. We can face these mountains and move them. It’s such a beautiful relief, this promise. For Jesus led us here – to see and face these ugly edifices that rob and destroy so many of Christ’s image-bearers. He broke our hearts – like his before us – with the truth of what people will do to each other for money or power. And so into this lamenting, to receive his promise – that we can move these mountains – well, it’s like breathing again.

What could be more important and life-giving than this? What could be a better use of our lives – our energy, time and resources?
So let’s start and continue this work – let’s not delay. Let’s give all we can to tip the scales the other way. Let’s mount our campaigns and strategically lobby for change. Let’s get on our knees and pray night and day. Let’s use every tool, talent and gift that we have to break up this rock and pile it into carts and see these mountains crumble once and for all in to the sea.

These are good actions. Right things to do. Urgent, necessary wise things we need to get better at if these mountains are to move.

But in the middle of those words that Jesus spoke is one tiny, troubling, unquantifiable other ‘if’. “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed.”

Lord we believe; help our unbelief. Give us the faith we need – however small – to move these mountains we pray.

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