how to pray for peace

Last month, we first shared this short article with UCB, reflecting on some of the lessons we’ve learned as we’ve sought to be peacemakers on our knees…

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2014 marks one hundred years since the war to end all wars began. Memorials; documentaries; new publications… our media this year has been full of the past’s stories. But sadly our headlines have been even more dominated by present conflicts.

At the Sanctuary our year has likewise been dominated by wars and rumours of wars. We have watched and prayed with nation after nation as conflict after conflict has escalated during the last few months. And we have cried out for peace again and again.

There’s no correct way to pray for peace. No formula to learn and no techniques to master. We are simply coming to our all powerful Father to pour out our broken hearts – the hearts he gave us in the first place – on behalf of the children he so loves. And there are no experts in how to pray for peace. But here are some of the thoughts we’re trying to remember as we continue on:

Don’t be scared by the politics: You don’t have to be an expert in the Middle East or anywhere else to pray. Your kingdom come – your will be done is enough. Simply bringing the name of a nation is sufficient. Tears are welcome. Clever words and knowledgeable prayers won’t give God an insight he doesn’t have.

Remember our battle is not against flesh or blood: As we look at the number of conflicts happening at the moment – and how interlinked many of them are – the truth of 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 rings louder than ever. Don’t get caught up too much in trying to figure out the human solutions to conflicts that often don’t have a human origin.

Pray for hearts on all sides: Pray for everyone – dictators, oppressors, rebels, terrorists, media professionals, politicians, the public – that we might all have our hearts softened towards God and our neighbour.

Pray with humility: Remember that conflict is within us all and that all of our hearts are quick to harden.

Stand on specific answered prayer: Praying – as God leads – for specific outcomes helps you see what God is doing step-by-step and builds faith to ask for more as you see them answered.

Keep hopeful, keep Jesus-focused and keep going: Remember that God can and does change both circumstances and hearts to overcome them. And that whilst we pray for transformation on earth – one day all war will cease. Spend more time looking at him than at the detail of the darkness. And press on even when you don’t feel like it.

Our hope is certain. He has won. Peace will come.

Scroll to the peace section on  to download free worship songs, creative ideas, prayer stations and written prayers to help you intercede.

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