creative prayer for forgiveness and church unity

We’ve published a new resource, which came out of one of our prayer and worship times at the Sanctuary’s centre last week.


You can download it from our prayer resources page.

On Wednesday 3 October 2012 our issue in focus for the day was unity in the UK church… and we found the following ideaa particularly powerful aid to our prayer.

As we are often a small group here at the Sanctuary we found this worked really well corporately, but you could adapt it into prayer stations if you have larger numbers and feel this would be more appropriate.

However you choose to use it, you will need:

1. pens and small slips of paper
2. a communion cup
3. a list or sheet of pictures of your town/city’s churches on it
4. a map of the UK and Ireland.

We used ‘We are in Christ (Together we come)’ as our accompanying worship song, for which you can find audio and
chord sheet at but you might find silence, or a
playlist of other suitable unity songs a helpful addition. (See the unity section in our outward focused song index for
more ideas.)

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