let the children come

We’re sharing this prayer with you – which came out of our time together this morning interceding about the next stages of this debate in parliament – in the hope it will help you too to find words to pray for these key discussions.

let the children come

Let the children come

Jesus, you said it plainly,
“Let the children come”
and small feet moved forward,
pushing through culture, tradition,
dismissal and prejudice
to be welcomed into your arms.

Jesus, we’re praying plainly,
“Let the children come”
so small feet can move forward,
beyond abandonment, displacement
terror and trauma
to be welcomed into a safe nation.

Jesus, we want our politicians to hear this plainly,
“Let the children come”
so small feet can move forward,
trampling bureaucracy and spin,
complicated arguments and indifference
to be welcomed into loving families.

Jesus, we want our nation to speak plainly,
“Let the children come”
so small feet can move forward,
and their precious small hearts, minds and lives
can finally render all other debate irrelevant
as they enter a welcoming new home.


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