new resource: written prayer for mothers

We’ve uploaded a new resource to our website: a written prayer for Mothering Sunday and for all who mother – or long to – every day ready for this coming Sunday… (You might like to also revisit our prayer stations: Kinnecting with God’s heart for mothers and mothering at this time.)


Lord Jesus who gathered the little children to yourself
and longed to do the same with all Jerusalem –
as if you were a mother hen,
and its people were your chicks –
thank you for gathering us in too,
for restoring our relationship with the Father
and deepening our knowledge and experience of his perfect protecting and nurturing love.

Lord Jesus, thank you that your heart is to gather in each mother too,
for each one is your own precious daughter
as well as one raised up to protect, nurture and release her children.
Lord Jesus, refresh each one who is tired,
nourish all who are weak,
encourage those who feel inadequate
and inspire the ones who feel at the end of themselves or have no clear outlet or role for the love they long to give.

Lord Jesus, today our hearts long – with yours – for you to gather all who grieve extra close.
Abide with those who long to mother but cannot conceive, or remain single,
hold tightly those who have lost what was so indescribably precious,
pour out your healing grace on those who took a little life in their hands and now carry such pain,
remain with those with no means to protect and nurture what they cherish the most,
walk alongside those who are struggling to release, although it is time,
and watch with those who wait through long nights of desperate uncertainty for their children to return.

And Lord Jesus please,
where there is still a hope of transformation
for each of these precious grieving daughters,
work miracles in their children’s hearts, health or circumstances
so they can again be gathered into their mother’s arms
and know this remarkable love which reflects your own
in giving, always giving, of its very self.

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