looking outwards through lent

Today – Ash Wednesday – is the start of Lent and this morning, we had a special time of prayer to dedicate the next 40 days to God and to each commit to pray for specific people and situations through this season.

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Lent is traditionally a time of personal reflection, prayer – and often – sacrifice as we meditate on the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert. It’s also a time when we look forward to the coming of Easter, to the agony of crucifixion and the joy of resurrection – a time when we know deeper than ever, that God so loved the world, he gave his one and only Son (John 3:16).

So to help you – as individuals, families or churches – look outwards as well as inwards this Lent, and pray for the world that Jesus came to save, we have two creative resources – journeying through Lent with symbols and prayer and worshipping through Lent. You can find these on our seasonal page.

(This morning, we followed the activity suggestions for Ash Wednesday in the second resource, and decorated our own mini wooden crosses with reminders of people, situations and nations we want to pray for throughout Lent – we pray you’ll be blessed as you try this too!)

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