praying from confide-nce

Yesterday’s daily verse was from Psalm 25:14-15 and included the phrase, ‘The Lord confides in those who fear him’. Coupled with focusing on his ‘gentleness’ we found ourselves discussing how being ‘friends’ with God means we have his ear, and he has ours… and how this affects our prayers for the biggest issues in our world, as well as in our personal lives.


We know we should always pray with confidence.

Jesus has made a way for us to come, and we come to a Father who loves us and is able to do more than we can ask and imagine. He cares about what is on our hearts, and the closer we grow to him, the more what is on our hearts is a reflection of what is on his.

But some prayers are different to others.

We are learning that there are some prayers that we more often see answered, and that we find – even as we pray them – we have more faith and confidence in this happening ahead of time.

This is often because they are prayers that come from confide-nce…

They are often very specific and surprising and feel impressed upon one or more of our hearts when praying.

Just like when a friend is sharing something they care deeply about and are much closer to than us, we often feel we are being counselled to pray in a particular way with an insight we would not have had ourselves.

This morning we celebrated three answered prayers expressed in shifting headlines, situations and rhetoric – all of them in response to things we had felt very led to pray – almost as if a promise was being whispered to us.

We praised God most of all for the breakthroughs and positive steps forward these mean in people’s lives.

But we also praised him for his confide-nce and the privilege of partnering with him in some small way.

Because it is an incredible thing to experience his friendship – as well as his power – in this way.

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