on the first day of this week…

… of focus on Fairtrade and economic justice for the gobal poor, we used our new prayer stations during morning worship. Standing together at station 1, we dedicated our time to God and one of our pray-ers led us in a simple but powerful spontaneous prayer seeking humility as we approached this issue. This prayer is based on some of her words, and even more importantly, inspired by the heart behind them:

Lord, we ask for humility as we come to you today
For we are rich – and we are quick to grow tired of ‘the poor’.
We don’t know what it feels like to go to bed at night hungry – persistently.
We don’t know how it feels to sleep under canvas – every night.
We don’t know what it feels like to be a refugee; to be persecuted; or to be voiceless.
Keep our hearts soft we pray.
Open our eyes to those who are homeless in our town today;
Show us who we might be able to assist practically or financially among those who cross our paths locally;
And help us as we look beyond to those who are distant to us,
Remembering they are never nameless or faceless
And seeking to find ways to live out your love
By interceding for them to you, and speaking up about them in our world.
Help us as we act to transform unjust systems
And as we continue to pray for the softening of the hearts of those who create them,
Or who are happy to benefit from them – like ourselves.
We give you permission to meet us today and to change us
As your Spirit of truth and love leads us in humility to this holy ground we tread –
The reality of the lives some of our brothers and sisters are forced to live.
Lead us and help us we pray –
In your precious and beautiful name Lord Jesus,

You can download it from our newly updated gathering and envisioning prayers, available on our new and topical resources page.

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